Donate Used Clothing to These Companies - ♻️ Find Your Perfect Donation Spot

Hey there! If you're looking to donate your used clothing, there are plenty of companies out there that accept donations. Let me share some of the best ones with you!

One great option is Near Thrift. We have a wide network of thrift stores in cities like Chicago, Brooklyn, and Austin that accept clothing donations. These thrift stores are not only a great place to shop for second-hand treasures, but they also have a strong commitment to giving back to the community. By donating your used clothing to these thrift stores, you can help support local charities and organizations.

Another popular choice is Goodwill. They have locations all across the country and accept a wide range of clothing donations. Goodwill is known for their dedication to job training and employment services for individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment. By donating your used clothing to Goodwill, you can help support their mission and make a positive impact in your community.

If you're looking for a more specialized option, consider donating to Dress for Success. This organization focuses on providing professional attire and career development tools to women in need. By donating your gently used professional clothing to Dress for Success, you can help empower women to achieve economic independence and success.

If you're passionate about sustainability and reducing waste, you might want to consider donating your clothing to The Salvation Army. They have a long history of helping those in need and accept a wide range of clothing donations. The Salvation Army uses the funds generated from the sale of donated items to support their programs and services, including disaster relief efforts, addiction recovery programs, and more.

Lastly, if you're looking for a convenient option, consider donating your clothing to local thrift stores in your area. These stores often have a strong connection to the community and accept clothing donations to support their operations. By donating to local thrift stores, you can help support small businesses and contribute to the local economy.

Remember, when donating your used clothing, it's important to make sure the items are clean and in good condition. This ensures that they can be properly utilized by the organizations and individuals who receive them.

So, whether you choose to donate to Near Thrift, Goodwill, Dress for Success, The Salvation Army, or your local thrift stores, know that your donation will make a difference. By giving your used clothing a second life, you're not only helping those in need but also contributing to a more sustainable and compassionate world.

Mikayla Murray
DIY projects, upcycling, vintage home decor

Mikayla is a passionate DIY hobbyist and an avid fan of second-hand shops. She takes pleasure in exploring thrift stores for unique pieces and transforming them into fresh, stunning creations.